Parkings in Valparaiso



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The city of Valparaíso is the second most populated in Chile and is located on the central coast of the country, in the homonymous province. It is known for its port activity and its proximity to the country’s capital, Santiago. In addition, Valparaíso has many important cultural centres, as well as extensive tourist circuits designed for the visitor’s convenience.

Parking Saba in Parkings in Valparaíso

O´Higgins 1215, Valparaíso, Valparaíso

Price per hour from

3,100.00 $/hour

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You can get to Valparaíso by first travelling to Santiago’s airport and then travelling by road, either using private transport or the bus network that is spread out across the country. The best way to get around the city is to use the Valparaíso underground or the Valparaíso Metropolitan Transport.

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Valparaíso is known in Chile for its historical and cultural heritage. If you visit this Chilean city, you have to visit the National Maritime Museum, the National History Museum and the Vergara Palace, in addition to Playa Ancha, which is one of the most important neighbourhoods in the province. To get around the centre of Valparaíso comfortably, we recommend using the Saba car park located in the Plaza Bellavista square.